Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Islam and the Global Brain

We have described a role for the West and North East Asia in the planet’s brain but there is no place for the 1.5billion people in . Islam or the 1billion who live in and about the . Indian sub-continent nor those in . Africa, South America and the Pacific. Our work has to encompass these if what is developing is to be seen as truly global.

In ancient times Islam provided the data bus needed to connect the principle parts of the medieval planetary mind. It contributed by translating each major part of the evolving planetary mind to the other and in the process, up to the 15th Century, added hugely to human understanding of art, science and commerce.

The Indian sub-continent is the home to the greatest number of Muslims on the planet and in addition is the origin of three of the world great religious perspectives, , , and . India thus has the potential to make a huge contribution to the soul of the planet. However more evidently, having been ruled by the English for three centuries, it has become imbued by English culture to the extent that its higher education system uses English as a language more effectively than other part of the planet. Now that English is the language of international commerce and business India now has a significant advantage as a place for doing any business that requires communication and analysis based on the use of the English language.

For a global brain to be in a way meaningful to our current purpose we need a truly dynamic process. As the need arises new thoughts have to be created on a planet wide basis to be let go or intensified as they prove useful or not. It is this on a global scale the Internet and modern Information and Communication Technology () makes possible.

The educated skills of India together with their development using what is now th universal language of business English give India a huge advantages in the modern world. Arguably at one time Islam had a similar advantage with its shared understanding of Arabic.

If those within the Umah could revert to the attitudes with which Islam was imbued up to the closing of the Gates of Ishtehad Islam could have considerable influence in the modern world. It then evolved massive insight into how best to interrelate the stable communal cultures of Asia with the more chaotic free enterprise of the West.. In doing this it made a huge constructive contribution to the global development of the arts, scholarship and science.

As of now it is difficult to see the global contribution that will be made by the Spanish and Portuguese speakers. In the past they yielded huge wealth up to Spain and Portugal. There is no doubt whatsoever that due to current rates of Spanish speaking immigration into North America they are to have a huge impact on the future of what is now the richest country on the planet the US. This migration is perhaps the means by which the Spanish speaking world will become truly integral to Gaia’s brain.

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