Sunday, November 05, 2006

China, My Past and Future: 中国,我的过去与未来

I awoke this morning at Kellian, my Bostonian dancing friends flat in Shanghai. We had spent the previous evening dancing Lindy Hop at Shanghai Swing's Halloween Party. This was held in a pretty little pub in the rather nice Shanghai district just of Huai Hai Road next to the expensive Dong Zhu Hotel. Some of the dancing was awesome. I had slept soundly to awake to the beautiful view over Shanghai stretching out from Kellian's flat.

No one else stirred in the house and I lay on the bed enjoying th eview and thinking about how lucky I was and how good life had been to me.

I was really enjoying China, my students, my colleagues, my social friends and beautiful Suzhou my new city. The first week of the new academic year of the International Foundation Year at our college sited on the premises of Number 1 Middle School on Guan Yuang Lu (Public Park Road) had been a really lovely experience for me. Our students are young fresh and shyly confident about themselves and their future. They had been great fun and a pleasure to teach. My colleagues were all trully wonderful in supporting me personally and in my task as their boss. I am finding the whole business of management, largely because of them, a joy. Together they have made a significant contribution to running the school economically while maintaining our existing high standards. The adminstrative staff have been brilliant in support. Misunderstandings have indeed occurred we are a cultural diverse bunch the expatriates, me a Scot, an Englishman an Australian and a Phillipino and 11 Chinese staff.

Not only is the cultural divide wide so are the wage levels. Our company pays the market price for the best of each group and the expatriates thus earn ten times more than their Chinese colleagues and get free accomodation into the bargain. However every one has played a great part in our work and the storms of emotional upset and even some anger that have flared up did just that that and died away. I am increasingly confident that we have all learnt lessons that will ensure future misunderstaning does not lead to personal hurt.

All this went through my mind with gratitude to my ex wife Susan for divorcing me and letting me in consequence deal with dimensions of life that would otherwise have passed me by. This was to be underlined later in the day when I was on the express train back to Suzhou as I listened to a married couple complaining about the trivia of life to but invariably passing by the other. They were clearly retired and well off touring China at their leisure with a guide but they were missing, oh so much about life and what China has to offer all our futures.

My blessings are legion - true reconciliation with my mother just three weeks before she died two weeks ago, an oportunity to discover myself and make my self whole in my own and other's interest particularly my daughter, a better understanding of human beings generally and women in particular gained at some expense to those who have befriended me and from whom I have experiences motivating hurt and no doubt imposed hurt upon them.

I have a vison of a reconciled world on the "Way" (Dao) by means and in the context set out by Lao Tzu in the "Tai Te Ching". I have written and published twice about this now and have an as yet unpublished manuscript on the way. However to write further on the matters that are of concern to us all. I feel I must understand the key player in all our futures better. So I must learn to speak, read and write Chinese and I am beginning to do all three at a rate that amazes me.

I am also so so lucky in being given a bunch of the brightest and best kids in China to help develop. When my age they will have awesome economic and social power and I can already see their is every chance that they can and will weild it in the caring non-judgemental manner Lao Tzu envisages as appropriate for the most effective social leadership.


1 comment:

David Ing said...

Brian, it sounds like you're having a good time while you're resetting your whole life.

I presume that I may see you again at ISSS Tokyo in August.