Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Mobius Field Theory of Love the Universe and Everything


I have had a significant response from Luke about my response to Lynne's very important issue about the need to address failure. The point I made and which is not yet truly challenged is that failure is ubiquitous and if far more in need of explanation than what i would call evolutionary success. WE should therefore not therefore try to infer things from the VERY particular cases of successes but must deal with the conditions that permit of many failures but in a context where given the interaction between a newly emergent source of a fast process we generally call "energy" and a slower process we call "material" we get an emergent unfolding in the general dynamic of evolution which we call a structure and generally allocate a name to its result which we generically call a form. In this universe there is however only process (dynamics) there is no form in any permanent sense whatsoever everything is always flowing including that which we have chosen to call inanimate, and what we sense is always the interactions between two processes one a fast and one slow.

As we have seen this term the universe has infinite variety because every element of it can be described by the connection between a function which is best described on the set of complex numbers which are observationally two series of interconnecting real numbers "fractals" which are stable and so the form of a genus or species if their modulus is less than 2. To be the totality that analytical sciences, the arts and social sciences deal with we only have to accept the McIntyre conjecture that the universe in total is derivative of one process only which has to flow (have a rate of change with respect to time) continuously in three dimension. this object is by definition a mobius strip. It is the only thing that is one sided, with one edge but can only exist in three dimensions.

The physics high and low energy are beautifully simple. If space time was a circle flow, a circular field, the outer surface of the filed would have to travel faster than the inner surface - the circumference of a bigger circle being longer than the circumference of the inner one if the field of force is to stay cohesive therefore the infinity of its "substance" would have to move faster on the outside of the curve than it did on the inside. This is disruptive and such a process would quickly separate out and continue to separate out until it was a sequence of zero depth circles all embedded within each other with no sensual form other than the fact that each successive one was traveling slightly faster or slower than those it was adjacent two. However such a universe would be not be fractal and can easily be constructed in two dimension not three.

However if the field of flow is a mobius strip the above does not happen as described. The circular structure is still there but because it is only one surface with one edge the forces acting within it do not manifest in a separation our of its structure just in terms of its depth, though that occurs, and is what we call "procreation" at what we have chosen to call the biological level, but what is more important because the filed in three dimensional that the disruptive dynamics i have described due to the centrifugal forces inevitable in circular motion also occur within the length, the direction of the flow itself. This is on the curve inevitable in the mobius strip. The same edge on opposite "sides" (what can that mean) of the strip has to move faster than the other for it to stay cohesive but they are the same thing separated in relative time by the flow but so must flow at the same speed but they cannot because one is on the outside of the "circle" and the other is on the "inside". the only way out of this conundrum is the one described for the circle but here it ia absolutely imperative the flow must split in two along its direction of flow. In a mobius field this can only provide temporary relief because then the process has created a one sided field three space with two twists in it not one so the process of "construction" I have described must continue and the "double twisted mobius" strip must split again along its line of flow but this time this rupture will not produce one "quadruple twisted mobius strips" but two single twisted ones intertwined with each other. This is what i believe we call a "structure" a "form" and it always has two parts one flowing faster than the other to create the local basin of attraction we call form but which mathematically is a Mandelbrot set (highly fractal) defined by a function defined over a complex field that that from a particular perspective in time could be described as temporally stable.

I think one of these intertwined mobius strips we may chose to label as energy that always has the potential to disrupt the "form" and the other we might chose to call "information" which provides the apparent organisation that creates the autopeosis we attribute to a particular form that in biology we would perhaps describe as a species - please note that the entity is the species not the structural dichotomy we often introduce here between "male" and "female" or the dynamic dichotomy we chose to introduce by distinguishing between parent and child. this species will replicate itself like the concentric circles do ad infinitum as long as it energy keeps on being energised and its information keeps acting to retain its structure which it will.

However the process is continuous and never stops. We now call it evolution. New species and an occasional genus keep spinning out of the process but it is ONE process in three dimension where nothing every becomes disconnected from anything else but each element, "structure", within it MUST contain all the elements of all the previous processes in the unfolding hierarchy that is the way of the universe we inhabit.

The first two interconnected mobius strips are that between the universe we occupy and the anti-universe we cannot sense but that is its dual. Our universe then splits along its lateral axis into "strings" (the stuff of high energy physics) that then split again into matter and energy (nuclear physics) from which are formed elements which in turn form molecules which accrete out into the structures of our astrophysical universe, which produce within its field suns working on the basis of fast "electromagnetic style" energy and planets working on slow gravitational organising style energy that produces "solar" systems linking slow and fast energy to produce at one end of the spectrum suns pushing out huge volumes of fast energy from the interaction in their core between fast electromagnetic energy and slow gravitational energy and at the other planets with an insufficiency in size to become energy producing sources so act as a sink for their suns energy and the dissipation of their own residual electromagnetic energy held in abeyance to their sun to receive greater or lesser amount of electromagnetic energy from it determined by their distance from it.

The forces acting on the planets turn them into a huge mixing machine for all the elements and the molecules and their are billions upon billions of these and in some this mixing pot must inevitable produce yet another lateral rift in the fabric of the ever unfolding set of mobius strips that are our universe to produce what we call life which again is an interconnection between a fast "energy" source with a slower organising "information" source to produce a new form, a species. This entity this singleton, can then divide ad infinitum presenting as it dynamic structure parents and children and its formatting structure males and females but actually always being one thing.

I can go onto describe the process evolving to create the emergent processes we call societies etc but I will not.

On this model we have a system of systems processes (SSPs) which with no equivocation whatsoever everything is always connected to everything else but a huge variety of structures and forms (genus) are manifest within this ONE very very very simple process and within each of the elements the variety of species in form is equally massive and within all of these there is prior and posterior parents and children and conjunctive male and female for want of better labels – one has one process continuously generating isomorphies of itself consisting of the two linked local parts of the common singular flow, one fast and one slow we call a “structure” a term probably best attached to the singularity and so two “form” we could chose to call “male” and “female” or ying and yang {by the wayis the character for the sun the giver of electromagnetic energy andthe character for the inert moon symbolic of gravitational organisational energy working alone while(fù yì) is simply singular for a place}

Now the structural mathematics of all this has all been worked out and proved mathematically in Rene Thom’s great but impenetrable book to the non-mathematician “Structural Stability and Morphogenesis”. This work is still VERY highly regarded by all the mathematicians in his peer group and has never been discredited for or by itself. It has been discredited by the use that has been made of it by uncomprehending non-mathematicians.

The key thing to know is that his mathematics is defined over a measure not a metric space. It can therefore never produce any quantifiable predictions that could be statistically tested. It only seeks to explain how ordered, fast and slow, smooth dynamic process can interact to produces the discontinuities (catastrophes) that create the huge variety of structures we sense and our brains construct out of what they believe, find useful to our survival, about the universe we occupy.

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