Friday, March 31, 2006

Creationism v Evolution and Intelligent Design: Reconcilling the Irreconcilable

I feel obliged to comment on this. Google Ad Sense responded perfectly to my website 's, intent. It put advertisements in it offering views on this issue on my very first page.

I am happy that Google did so. As a scientifically inclined person I am convinced that one does not need to have faith to believe in the existance of the spiritual. Its existance is demonstrable scientifically. My website reflects my effort to demonstrate this to myself. The reasonableness of this is hard without experiencing disharmony. I view the universe in such away. I live with that.

Today I illustrates this. Differences are constructs of our minds not reality. Letting them be a basis of internal disharmony is illadvised. As a basis of disharmony with others they bring murder war and destruction.

Astrophysics takes a Big Bang view of the Universe at its Origin. I say "at its origin" not "in its "origin". What was there before this singularity, from which we and all about us are derived ?

(The Way)

The way you can travel is not the actual Way,
The name given it is not its name
Heaven and our world born in the unamed,
name the mother of the infinite
Lao Tzu's Tao Ti Ching, 1st book, 1st chapter, 1st verse

In my mind the last lines are entirely reconcilable with the preceeding paragraph. To me, they deal with the same thing. One is a scientific statement of it the other a spiritually based one.

With a high degree of scientific certainty the universe came into being very very quickly indeed. Calling that period 6 days, as does the Bible, if anything extends this period too far. It does not make it too short as scientifically orientated critics of creationism argue.

"But, but, but" I hear my reader say, horses, lions, us, our planet and its oceans and mountains did not come into being in that exploding fast expanding cloud of gasous matter, hydrogen(?)

Unfortunately, despite their training to the contrary, scientists are often far more literal than they really ought to be. There are often more so than creationists. Lao Tzu is never literal.

"The Way" by which Lao Tzu takes our hand to feel, understand and know is in its very being scientific. It is a process not a description. It is a process leading to understanding. In his work, as geology, hard mountains thrust up into our being and soft water gentles them down into valleys and the sea.

He leads us to wonder how soft completely pliable water can overcome the assertive strength of mountains. To immediately see, and feel, the scientific veracity of what he says one only has to go a heavily glaciated places on the planet. I have visited the Athabasca Ice Field in the Canadian Rockies. There ones see and feels the power and beauty of water overcoming rock.

At the beginning of the last period of big social and cultural change the key discovery apposite to most basic scientific analysis was Leibnitz's differential calculus, what Newton called fluxions. Newton's great insight was to refuse to follow Ptolemy. He did not try to make the geometric calculus then understood fit with observations of form. He set out to explain the processes by which the changes in that form thatcould be observed came about. He succeeded.

Bill Clintons once helped coin, "It is the economy stupid". His intent was to make his staff focus voters on the one issue important to his electoral victory. My equivalent is, "It is the process stupid". Embedded in Newtonian dynamics, a process, is the pattern of positioning and movement we see in our planets relative to the Sun. Newton's work with differential (changes) calculus (in what we can calculuate) gave humanity a never before achieved accuracy in predicting the movement of billiard balls, railway engines, planes, rockets and planets, i. e. masses relative to one another.

Newtonian physics got us of the Planet so we could see it and to the Moon so we could feel it. Our weight (relative mass) is different on the Moon as compared to the Earth. The masses of the Moon and Earth are hugely different. So our relative mass (weight) on each is hugely different. We know. We have been there. We have felt it. We have got the tee-shirt. We have conversed in the language of mass and this is gravity.

To re-focus back to our point. Six days to create our planet and all living things?

Gerard Debreu won the Nobel Prize in economics for a book entitled "The Theory of Value". In it he succeeded in using a very modern approach to the differential calculus to demonstrate what was necessary for the economic theory to be possibly true that price adjusted until in every market in an eonomy supply just equalled demand. He asked himself whither there existed ain that process a set of prices such, that if they were to prevail supply would exactly equal demand? The answer he derived was yes conditional on a very tightly defineds set of diffiuclt to credit circumstances.

For it to be true it is necessary that on the first day of Genesis one had to know what every single market would be at every future point in time. Not only this but that at what the price one could sell todays product for every future one. As an example at what price could we sell today's tomatoes in exchange for the bananas somebody might want to buy in 1000 or 10000 years time and every year in between. Observational this is clearly nonsense. It did win Nobel prize. Its "truth" thus bares thinking about.

Astrophysical observation with the Hubble Space Telescope found that the universe does not have a uniform distribution of matter. The basic theory surrounding the Big Bang would predict uniformity. For these diferences to be explicable it is necesary that at the time of the Big Bank the seeds of these observed differences existed. Subsequent work with the telescope has proved that "shortly"(?) after the Big Bang there were observable huge variations in the density of the expanding cloud that emanated from it. This pattern maps exactly onto the structure of the observable universe today. WOW! At the time of creation, 6 days?, the seeds of the current physical form of the universe was already in place to evolve to what we see now.

Astrophysicists tell us this is true. Why should we deny ourselves what we are told by such authority. If this is true then in that swirling mass of matter, plasma and energy there must have been the seeds that produced, horses lions, us, our planet and its mountains and rivers and seas. The evolutionary process creating these could easily be said to come to being in 6 days.

Without contradicitng oneself the veracity of evolution a process creating all this in those initial 6 days is hard to refute apart from s any precision about its definable length. As yet, no one has produced a story that convinces all of how the physical and chemical world evolved into the biological one or how single cell organisims evolved into multicelluar ones. However most are convinced of the processes by which multi-cellular oraganisms evolved to be lions, horse and us. A beautiful, detailed, description of the whole process including the doubtfull areas indicated is in Howard Bloom's The Evolution of the Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century"

So there we have it. We can be both creationists and evolutionists. This does leave open the question of intelligent design. The evolutionary process that generated us and the universe we can sense, so wonderfully, about us is very very simple indeed. It is simple but it can creat the huge variety of form we observe and feel. Can we not both as sceptical empirically driven scientists and "faith dream believers" not unite in accepting, as does Lao Tzu, that the Way was not the Way as we now name it because what it was and is must have been here before the Big Bang.

Thus, in the begining, the creation, was an evolving process. After its first few milli-seconds it began to develop scientifically inexplicable observable variations in structure. Imbedded in these stucture are the seeds that produced all we can sense about us today. Could the process that produced this be called intelligent design?

If you wish to say no then you have to explain where the process that produced such iregularities sprang from. Can you? If you feel you can where did that come from and so on? Neither science nor sprituality can bring closure to everything. The current conflict on these matters in the USA suggests Lao Zhu was wise not to try.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Letter from America: My Response


As always I am in harmony with everything you say. I make no qualification. If it appears that I do then I have expressed myself badly. My eagerness to pursue clarity between us and in my understanding of our universe may make it seem otherwise. It never is.

In this vein let us consider views on illegal immigration, jobs and other apparent conflicting economic interests. Outside the Garden of Eden or Nirvana such is to be expected.

However why should American and European workers fear outsourcing using the Internet? In my view, as expressed to you in "Integral Economics", at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius with its knowledge based value and values, this is simply not an issue. Economics ceases to exist.

Jobs outsourced to India increase the wealth of Indians. The Indian middle class will soon be as large as the whole US population. This creates an even bigger market for American goods. Creative well living Americans, who have lost their jobs elsewhere, can move to supplying their needs. The USA has the know how, experience and systems to do so. Nowhere else on the planet does one find so many new jobs generated so fast as when Americans create better:-

  1. more comfortable holidays with scenary, art music, food, etc to die for;

  2. ever more effetive ways to organize production and distribution

  3. understanding among more and more people at an ever increasing rate.

These things together mean that jobs lost to the needy in India, China, Indonesia and the Spanish speaking world (including illegal but useful immigrants into the US from Central America) only create more and more better jobs for Americans. The emerging knowledge economy is truly WIN WIN WIN.

This seems like a return to the Garden of Eden. Hunter gathers then had only to reach up and grab the fruits from any tree bar one, the tree of knowledge. In choosing to take from it they became aware of property, the idea that one could own a part of the Universe. One could fence it off and own land to cultivate things rather accepting it as free to all. "Don't Fence Me In" and Free Range is not new to Americans. Many took part and died in the range wars that ensued from such sentiment.

Similar disputes are now evident on the Internet as evidenced by the recent Congressional hearings on the actions of Google, Cisco and others in helping the Chinese government draw boundaries in cyberspace. If they succeeed they can only harm themselves by separating themselves off from the cutting edge of emerging technolgy.

The universe did not abandon us when we acquired the capacity to create, use and distribute knowledge. After the flood came the Rainbow covenant. This holds out the promise of our future atonement (at-one-ment) with the universe and heaven. The knowledge age it seems may well brings this about.

We now do know that we are one in a way never before possible. Knowledge has enabled us to see ourselves and our planet from outside. This inspired James Lovelock when working for NASA to see then write about the idea of Gaia, It is this that inspired our mutual friend Jim Simms, a project manager on LandSat and on the Titan nuclear defence program. To this day that past inspires him as 80 to strive to use his systems engineering experience to unite science in the interest of mankind not his destruction.

This is the game we are in. It is a good game. The universe gives no guarantees that we ,humanity and our planet, are to be part of the solution but to me the odds are more for than against us. We do have to survive while we figger out how to make fusion work. Fossil fuels and renewables will not support us till then, the first may destroy us. Lovelock has recently gone argued that nuclear provides the only non-carboniferous way to bridge this gap in creative time.

In doing so we may have to worry about North Korea and Iran but not really. They can only make a few bombs. These will not be enough to destroy the planet or us. It could destroy there neighbours and themselves. Their capacity could leek so as to enable others to harm the rest of us. Your country rightly fears this.

We may have to worry about India and Pakistan. However your country, under the Bush administration, is doing precisely that. It has re-engaged with India on nukes. It is I suspect nudging Australia, my land of hope and residence, to supply the Indians with uranium as Australia is soon to do for China.

China is next on Condolezza Rice's and Bush's agenda. The Bush family is VERY well connected there. Bush Seniors CIA time in Beijing connected him, and his, with everyone that now matters in China. This is important for our human story. China and the USA are the only states left that could conceivably go to war in a way that could destroy the planet. Your leaders know this. They appear to be acting to limit that possibility.

We are left with the crazies .

Again the USofA under the current administration is on their case. That in part is what Iraq could be seen to be about. In harmony, the US and China, using Fu Ying, now the Chinese Ambassador to Australia but formerly head of the Asian desk of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Beijing, with others helped put North Korea back in the box exactly at the time the US was contemplating invading Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Fighting on two fronts is always a bad idea.

Iran still seems a predicament for humanity. For the reasons outlined they are not a threat to human existence only to our feelings of security from mass terror. What is imagined could kill more people than 9/11. It could not destroy the planet.

In this the sand in all our oysters is Israel.

Speaking recently in the Middle East Condolezza Rica, acting for President Bush, declared that she felt the solution lay in a fully democratic Middle East. Now most of the USA's current friends in this region are NOT democracies so this is a very, very courageous thing for a so called oil greedy bullying American to say. The argument is clear. The evidence suggests democracies do not war with each other.

However liberal democracy has to be distinguished from democracy per se. In liberal democracy minorities are respected. They are not interfered with by the state and are protected by the state from any citizens who might wish to - the Amish, the Mormons etc in you country and many many more. Many muslims however, unfortunately, do not feel covered by this protection. There are 1000million of them on the planet and growing. Many are unhappy US and EU citizens. This is dangerous in a big, but not massive way. It can be fixed.

To do so requires them to feel part of the human family we are. They do not. It is to be noted that until very recently Christians and Jews were comfortably and securely living in many Islamic nations in the Middle East. Many still do.

However most Muslims believe that for centuries Christians agressively blocked their good intentions. The Koran makes Christians, Jews and Muslims as one under God. Muslims are told by God in the Koran that the Way to him is to unite mankind under his banner and end religious schism for ever. Given that he lived where Jews Christians and Muslims lived The Prophet guided by God's word in the Koran acted in an inclusive way. His vision encompassed Jews, Christians and Muslims and their religous books.

We must remember here that in the Balkans the Catholics and the Orthodox had been murdering each other in huge volumes from the 4th century on and the Roman empire had so ruthlessly dealt with the Jews that they were by then a diaspora throughout Europe and the Middle East.

The Muslims tried to show how peace and love under the one true God in which we all believe could achieve God's wishes. They are forbidden by God's word in the Koran to prozletise. They tried to act out these wishes in the 6th,7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th centuries. They were attacked, raped and murdered, at every turn by Christians and others. The Muslims responded by using aggressive defense as the Koran directs, echoing God's words to the Jews. They gave back in kind what was meted out to them, and then some. Ruthless defense when attacked is fundemental to Islam. However in acting so one Muslims are obligated to stop fighting and treat with ones's attacker if he so wishes even if you do not. Unprovoked aggression is forbidden by Islam.

In the end they lost. Their politial leaders and holy men decided this must be because they were not true enough to God in their beliefs and actions. In the 14th Century they thus determined to return to fundamentals. They closed the Gates of Ishtehad, their gateway to the tree of knowledge. Till then scholarship banned elsewhere on the planet flourished under the protection of Islamic rulers. They were persecuted by the church in Europe, Galileo for example, had to recant “the truth" that the Earth went round the Sun in the face of the Inquisition. In North East Asia books were burned and scholars neutered by being made servants of the state (Mandarins) or otherwise suppressed or sidetracked as were despised entrepreneurs into cul de sacs of in effective activity – religion, flower arranging or the despised business of commerce.

The evil(?) of Islamic suppression of scholarship had one major unintended consequence. It led to what we see in the West as the Renaissance. This was a "good" thing? Its unintended consequence, for Islam, was that Western Europe and then America became economically and militarily powerful and so to be feared to an extent inconceivable in the 14th Century.

Left festering in Central Asia and the Middle East was suppressed Islamic beliefs un nurtured by scholarship. We in the West now reap the harvest we sowed in brutally suppressing Islamic aspirations to use knowledge to do good for all in the name of God's universe.

We need to help Islam find its Way to see us all again as one human family united in our wish to understand our common universe. By evidence of their actions many thoughtful people in the West and Islam agree. However an alientated Islamic community could still choose to act in a manner that led to our mutual destruction. For them this might be preferable to continuing to bear the shame of accepting humiliation in their honest attempt to do good and so love and be loved of God.

Israel, supported with billions of US tax payers dollars, is their symbol of their continuing humiliation by Christianity and Western decadence. They see us as the Sodom and Gomorrah of the present world. They may be right. The Americans who seem to agreeeing with them are the Moral "Majority" of fundamentalist Christians and some American Muslims no doubt.

I think all they ask is respect and our understanding that their only desire is that God’s Way, as they see it, be our Way to. Support for them, from us all to re-open the Gates of Ishtehad would be a good investment by humanity in itself. We can then join together in this New Age to gain access to the joy of helping to create and spread the wonder of knowledge and understanding of the universe we share.

How can we harm each other then. What is the point. We all gain, physically intellectually and spiritually from its advent. To achieve this we do not have to be imperative with should, must etc. We only need avoid judging people, right or wrong, good or evil. We just have to accept them as part of ourselves. We humanity at liberty to do what we feel is right. Each with a blank cheque to be wrong and so to be forgiven. Why should we not foregive, when all that has occured is that our individually feeble minds have failed to see the underlying good in an others actions.

It is our lack of knowledge that brings anger, then judgement and then self righteousness and then hate and then an implacable determination to expunge such an evil from our world. This is in humanity. It cannot be wished or desired away. Really, really decent people in the USA, Israel, Palestine, Iran and China allow this to happen all the time. Good caring, nay loving, opinions and hopes cannot eliminate this. The only thing that can is unconstrained plenty. This could come from unconstained knowledge creation and distribution. Atonement is an inevitable consequence of this not an aspiration. We only need to grasp it together.

When working and living in Kuwait I used to sit with my Kuwaiti friends's little kids on Saturday morning watching what I think in retrospect was Iraqi television. They are now around thirty. TWe often watched a religious cartoon early on Saturday morning, the Muslim holy day. It had jolly friendly little Smurf like cartoon characters in it.

These likeably little critters extolled the virtues of learning about the power of God's universe. These children were told it was their right and duty to God to work to understand it. After every sequence, of this Arabic religious Sesame Street, the little Smurfs would say God is Great, God is Good. The sage presenting the program an old Imam would repeat this. The program ended with a picture of a slowly expanding, entirely beautiful, mushroom cloud, a nuclear explosion. A true picture of the power in our universe. Was it a threat or a portend of our salvation? Lovelock, with me, would now suggest the latter.


Man Oppressed

Man Oppressed
Chapter 1
“The Way you can go
isn’t the real way
The name you can say
Isn’t the real way”
Tao Te Ching “, p1 Ch 1

Part 2

A high proportion of value is now driven by such knowledge but knowledge has features not evident in other cost drivers such as materials, land and machinery:-

1. It has no obvious limit to its extent,

2. It is very difficult to own

3. To be useful it needs shared.

Each of these has huge implications. If it has no limit it is not ultimately scarce the economic dilemma of shortage disappears. If it is difficult to own, private property is in question. If it needs shared its control is likely to be communal.

However private enterprise seems to be the best creator of knowledge. It is private enterprise – North America and Europe – that has success here not communal – North East Asia. However the latter seem to exploit existing ideas better. There is a huge potential for mutual benefit here based on these comparative advantages.

The amount of matter and energy in the universe is infinite. The only factor creating a need for economy is our ignorance of how to access it. Dispel this and the economic basis of conflict disappears.

This work raises the veil over the processes achieving this. If one understands these one can understand how our world is being transformed. To see this one needs to focus on the process generating diversity in form not form itself.

If ones does, the relationship between social and wider evolution, “The Way”, is clear. To see this judgment needs put aside. “this is good that bad”, “this should be”, “this ought to be” “this must happen” need to be let go from our language and thoughts . If one does one finds perception of actions transformed.

People pursue what fit with their perception of self. What has meaning for them is what they do. It could be building a happy family, a great commercial enterprise or charity or attacking those whom they believe are pursing false beliefs

With great effort one can sometimes change immediate behaviour by admonishing people to do so but longer term people follow their own star. In the end unless what is sought is meaningful to people their fundamental behaviour will not change. People always pursue their own perception of interest not others.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hippocracy Holy Willie's Prayer Today

Robert Burns today?

You call yourself a Christian.

I call you a Hypocrite.

You call yourself a patriot.

I think you're Full of Shit!

(from "Sweet NeoCon") -The Rolling Stones

Today I started to think of children and gender. I became diverted. I often am. I find myself compelled to write about “inhumanity”. How can this be? Its Sunday.

Three centuries are spanned above, Robert Burns to Mick Jagger. The issue is older, perhaps infinite, in our being. How is it inhumanity not unhumanity? I suspect because we know, in our souls, it is in humanity.

We all feel we love. We all hope we are loved. Yet in God’s name we kill.

An urbane, well educated, artistic, likeable, Serb made clear I knew nothing of the Balkans. The solution was obvious. Kill every Muslim and Catholic man, women and child. Descent? Origin? Conviction? Such views have universality not just in the Balkans. Yet as the prophet made clear the Umah and the Universal Churches give love to, and seek the love and forgiveness of the one all powerful God.

For Christians sentiments of exclusivity go back to the split between Rome and Constantinople, for Muslims to the creation of Istanbul. The latter is a shorter period of time than the former. However before all of that the Balkans had Macedonian, Greek and Persian inhumanity.

The Prophet was driven by concern for any schism in humanity. He felt it should not be. It would not exist in a world ruled by the one all powerful God whom all had come to accept. Daily Shi’ia and Sunni kill each other in Baghdad?

This is Sunday the day of the Norse Sun where does that lie in Christianity?

Last year I conversed with a republican, ex marine corp, friend of mine in Virginia about the Stone’s point. We noted that Presidents Jacksons or Roosevelt1 could easily have similar things written of them and their beliefs. They did however stick to the American story. The constitution gives all the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness without fear or favour. Now righteous alone steps up to the plate.

Fundamentalists accept from God that they should “judge not that thee be judged” and practice “forgiveness” yet all judge and never forgive. Worse they do so in ignorance of the nature of the the universe from which created evolution produced them. Now there is a thought for creationists. They do so out of their love of God and their deep concern to save the souls of their fellow human beings. Step the Inquisition and the Conquistadores.

Good kindly people all over the USA, the Balkans and the planet hurt each other by excluding them from their concern. It seems they can then can allow them to be hurt, tortured and killed. It is clearly human to do so. What other accountability can there be but ourselves?

This is not found elsewhere in nature. Killing other species for food or playing with a prey animal to practice predatory skills this is not. Humans do this to their own species. Other species do stand off to each other over territory and procreation but they do so advisedly. They rarely fight to the death but on assessing themselves weaker back off. Humans do not. Why not?

My only observation is that humanity is the only species which can and does live everywhere on and off this planet. We are not formed by our environment but form it. The result is we have never speciated nor can afford to. Any act of exclusion by one human being of an other is a threat to the continuation of the at one ment the Prophet, Christ and others have felt necessary to our humanity.

Australian aboriginals understood this. To have the bone pointed at one is to be excluded from the concern, care and love of the tribe. This is a sentence of death in their harsh environment. Without the social welfare provided by some modern states most human still live in such a context. Fit in or ship out and die.

The thing we fear above all else is exclusion not the physical and mental brutality that often follows in response. Even in most welfare protected societies many prefer brutality and violence over exclusion, battered wives or abused children fear their siblings or children’s exclusion if the offender is forced out of the familiy group.

See in the end I have not strayed

Exclusiveness of any sort invites violence, in humanity. Is this the price we pay for our at one ment? Clearly it is seen by many as their only route to atonement with God. They know otherwise they have sinned.

Such exclusivity is an original sin. The Internet as such does not practice it yet today was excluded twice first by Blog4God only for Christians: Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims need not apply. There are it seems many Gods in the eyes of these Christians.

To cap all I wished to explore gender and childhood issues and found BlogSisters. I was again excluded. I am a man.

This piece evolved from my morning blog search. What took me here? Robert Fisk's “Ariel Sharon” Jan6th 2006 . This graphically illustrates all of the above. Go there. Read your soul out Jew, Christian, Muslim or any other on a Way to satisfy ,Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”. He found his in Auschwitz.

As Burns put it:

It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that.

The Prophet’s sentiments I feel.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Liberty: the American Constitution and the American Way

I enjoy life so much. Every day is Columbus Day.

The American citizen intrigues me. A majority do not register to vote. Many who do, do not.

Government for such Americans is something leaving them alone. It only enters their lives to take taxes or their sons for war and fortunately few of these.

For many of the world's people this is Nirvana.

Most Americans are, or are descended from, people who flew from the oppression of a State. While not true of the slaves their descendents now have the gift of liberty.

The US Constitution and Law protects all this. However in protecting American from their own government's oppression it does not protect others from it nor Americans from each other. The right to bare arms intends to support this. It facilitates a citizen in killing those seeking to harm the interest of their nearest and dearest even if most of these seem to be in their own family. Such is the price of liberty. Many elsewhere would gladly pay it.

But how can this be engineered? The rich American tax harvest is, or is perceived to be, a major source of global oppression. With their huge blank cheque the American non-voter seems to underright the American executive's power outside America if not in it. Americans are as caring as the rest of us but they know little of us accept that we oppress those dear to American's heartfelt interest and our ancestors oppressed those from whom the current generation of American's desend.

Informed active Americans know this. Many of them choose to right such wrongs by acting in the executive. With opposite intent they then find themselves part of its oppression. They strive, they even give their lives, to bring us the gift of American values. However with no obvious access to the american cultural context underpinning them we cannot access them This is tragedy.

Informed American see this, even those trapped in acting it out. They may, they do, endeavour to awaken the wider American consciousness to it. But, how can they? They may have a built in minority in the electoral college that chooses the president. The political side of the executive can then be elected by and effectively accountable to a minority of the minority of Americans who choose to register. Those wishing to act to change the American consciousness thus have a huge task and a huge problem.

5.5billion of us can, and many do, feel opressed by this truly wonderful system of democracy. Those who live within it have true liberty. We would all like access to this. We seem ever excluded from it. This is globally explosive stuff. How can American attention be brought to bear on its reality? Unfortunately it has.

This has had a perverse consequence. Even fewer informed Americans choose to travel abroad. Understandably, they wish to avoid being abused or attacked. They are one of the few apparent conduits we have to the American consciousness. Those Americans who do not choose, but are drafted, to go abroad have an even worse experience of the nature of the rest of humanity. The tragedy grows.

However liberty and the American Way is pervasive independent of the American Executive's apparent power abroad perversely because of it growing weakness at home.

The global way to the American way is here in cyberspace. Here we the whole of humanity including Americans are constructing a means to escape from oppression and walk the global silk road to prosperity outwith the effective purview of states.

We do have to find a way to pay to support the infrastructure supporting this capacity to ignore government as the majority of Americans already do. Can we afford to do this? the answer seems to be yes provided we all get connected. Any cost divided by 6billion is tiny. Most of us can pay many of us are even happy to pay more so others pay less. All over the planet kids of all ages are talking to each other - babel fish even allows this in practically any language.

Even the US government own tax base is undermined by this system. Corporations, such as Microsoft, can shift billions of dollars of value out of the jurisdiction of one state into that of an other in seconds - software services outsourcing to India being but one example.

Can this be halted? Do we have to fear it? NO.

Do states have to worry about their future utility to mankind? YES.

Is the result destructive anarchy? Apparently NOT.

Does it lead to more war? YES but in games where the young men of today learn as did their fathers the value of developing their personal skills, comradeship and teamwork but unlike their fathers they do not have to die to do so.

Brian Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Islam and Our Joint Futures

Both Tony Blair and Prince Charles have taken on board the big issue. It seems we do not have to even consider setting up an organization to do it such as S.A.V.E. (Security Advance Through Enterprise)

S.A.V.E. Idea

As human beings we do have to co-ordinate our activities more effectively to take effective issue with those who take a destructive rather than constructive view of how we can achieve at-one-ment in our own, our planets and the universe's interest. The big issue facing us all at the moment is that we and those in Islam who are our brothers come with us to believe that we are at one in God and his Universe. "The Way" is something we all share. Through means such as this we can unite so we no longer need learn to fear each other but can avoid judgement, practice foregiveness and grow to love one an other.

Fundamentalists who ever they be and of whatever type they are forget the teaching of god and his prophets to "judge not that thee be judged" and "foregive" and leave vengeance if such their needs to be to God. How could it be otherwise with his power and his mercy which Muslims and all others recognise.

Approach to Blog

I intend to add a couple of pages a week from my newest book "The Global Way" which looks at the dynamics of Gaia's emergent brain and what we can do to aid its sane development.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Overview of Perception

Global Voices Online - The world is talking.    <div id=

Global Systems and Enterprise on the Way
The West: The USA The Far East,China: The Middle Kingdom The East: The Silk Route
The Global Way

Our world is evolving fast.This blog considers the communal,commercial and individual implications of this and promotes "life work balance" in their pursuit. In our emergent New Age being requires a balance between, 4Cs:-

Good Business : Constructing
Good Thought : Creating
Good Connection : Connecting
Good Rest : Consciouslessness

We aim to foster thought on networking to support balance in and between them.

Never before has humanity been able to communicate so easily,frequently and globally. The potential of the enterprise, creativity, spirituality and vigor now being released is awesome. It demands respect. It asks to be embraced.This website is a node in the global network of enterprise, thought, spirit and energy emerging to do so.

The implications of global human connectivity, the INTERNET, are profound. With careful respectful thought what unfolds can benefit all.

Here you can find access to ideas and connectivity identifying the steps the enterprising in enterprise can take on The Way to more:-

  1. profit from the opportunities

  2. understanding what these are

  3. joy in the paradox raised

  4. peace in being

The new reality uses knowledge to serve communal, individual and evolution's interest. The only conflicts are in our minds. One can sustain propriety in ideas without state regulated monopoly rights, patents, copyright,etc. How? Here you can find views on that might be possible. It is by putting what you know out there for others and maintaining a good life work balance.

The Way

The Way

The way you can travel
is not the actual Way
The name given it
is not its name

Heaven and our world
born in the unnamed
name the mother
of the infinite

So the un-needy spirit
sees all the unseen
the ever needy
only its need

Two with one origin,
differing in name,
mysterious in identity.
Mysterious to mystery,
the way to the unseen

A view of the first of Lao Tzu's,
"Tao Te Ching"paraphrasing
the outstanding English
translation by
Ursula K. Le Guin,
Shambala, 1998

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Global Way

The Global Way
“The Way you can go
isn’t the real way
The name you can say
Isn’t the real way”
Tao Te Ching “, p1 Ch 1

For the first time in history instantaneous, verbal and visual contact, is becoming affordable for all. Those with power find the consequences hard to deal with. Knowledge empowers and social power is shifting from states to people.

A key feature of this is that by choosing who to interconnect with, and for what purpose, humans produce patterns of inter human connectivity directed to a purpose. These patterns are remarkably like those our mind generates between neurons to create the thoughts in our brain that direct our action.

The patterns we set up between human beings of like mind could be seen reasonably as super interconnectivity between the neurons of distinct brains. It is then a very short step to suggest that these patterns of human interconnectivity represent the embryonic thoughts of an evolving global super brain, Gaia’s brain.

It is to understand the processes leading to this we direct this book. Gaia’s brain is in infancy. How does it work? Why does it exist? What is our role in its being?
It is clear that clever ideas that please us, and make these more attainable, spread fast. Music, movies and some objects can be quickly and cheaply distributed.

This is evident to most for music and movies but not physical objects but the distribution of the latter can be supported digitally. Digital machines can be used to transmit their manufacturing instructions. This is evident for CDs and DVDs. This is knowledge sent on the Internet with its product manufactured on receipt.

Printed knowledge can be produced locally easier than it can be distributed. The Financial Times, the Herald Tribune, etc are available daily, worldwide. Similarly clothing, engineering and other components can be locally replicated.

So while we cannot transmute then transmit matter we can eliminate the need for transporting things made from it by transmitting the knowledge of how to make it. Complete assemblies, engines, transmissions or cars can be distributed this way using well placed replicate plants.

Some items based on living material can be distributed like this e.g. processed foods: coke, margarine and hamburgers. It is also possible for some products based on widely available living organisms such as yeast: beer, bread and some medicines. However it is not generally possible for living thing although one can transmit the know how to produce crops out of season or in unusual places. It also is possible to transmit the data required to alter them genetically. Then particular strains can be grown to specification without rootstock or seed.

As yet, raw materials and living things cannot be distributed like this. We ourselves cannot. “Beam me up Scotty” is a command beyond our competence. However what we know can and is transmitted and replicated easily.
to be continued

Thursday, March 09, 2006