Sunday, April 23, 2006

Chapter 1 Continued: Humans War, Why?

Without the social welfare of modern society to be outlawed by loved ones was a death sentence. Even in modern society rejection is feared more often than violence. In traditional societies social rejection meant certain death.

To stake out and defend territory or create new kinds of exclusiveness, property, is a threat to human at-one-ment. Overwhelming it restores at-one-ment. War does this. Interestingly it is a key factor differentiating humans from other species. It has prevented humanity becoming many species and enabled humans to be the only multi-cellular organism occupying the whole planet.

In war, victory leads to the genetic and social penetration of the vanquished by the victor. It is conceivable as inter-social rape. Its key consequence is a new society as an offspring incorporating the genetic and social material of both winners and losers. Wooing others to unite through trade or reciprocal exchange is more defensible, and a lot cheaper but in the face of stubborn exclusivity war may be the only way to achieve atonement.

In other animals rape is difficult. Practically intercourse, social or physical, generally has to be voluntary. The result is that territory tends to be respected and local in-breading can be a consequence. This can create new species. Humans do not back off so while others have split into separate species we have not.

Thus humanity has not evolved into distinct species filling different environmental niches but a highly adaptable single species capable of fitting, or altering, its environment to its interest using its adaptive brain to learn how to. Human’s have evolved brain capacity that uses experience to form expectations and plans that set them aside from most other animals. This we would argue puts humanity in a very special position respecting the evolution of planetary thought.

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